Watch Horror Movies Online

You can probably still recall the days of VHS tapes. Back in the 1980s, this was the most common way to view new movies that came out. Some people can even remember the brief time period of Beta. Once the 1990s were in full effect, more and more people were making the jump to DVDs. Suddenly the sound and picture quality were much better than ever before. DVDs were a wonderful nuance that took the home entertainment experience to new heights. Of course now there is Blue Ray, which is an upgrade once again. Picture and sound are truly amazing with these pricey little discs. However, let's not forget the fact that you can watch horror movies, comedies, action films and even westerns online.

Once businesses like Netflix took off, people were suddenly receiving movies in the mail to watch in their homes. No more waiting in line at video stores to get that new release you're after on Friday night. All of the sudden, it is acquired with ease just by adding it to an online queue. To make movie viewing even more handy and convenient, Netflix made it so customers can watch horror movies and any other genre of film online. Now that's about as convenient as you can get. Simply hit a few keys and suddenly you're viewing the film of your choice. How will this feature ever be topped?

Even if you are not a Netflix customer, you can still watch horror movies, action films, romantic comedies and classic movies online. Just check out a little site called This well-known media website enables anyone with online access to view all kinds of short clips and music videos. However, it has now been expanded to where people can watch horror movies, and many other full-length feature films online. The great thing is that it does not even cost you a penny. Once again, if you have high-speed internet, then you can view an array of movies for free.

You might want to think twice about heading to the local video rental store next time. Especially when the costs are around four dollars for a single new release rental. Why waste you money on these rentals when you can probably watch the same movies for free on the web? The first thing you need to do is log onto websites like Netflix and in order to see what they have to offer. Punch in a title that you are looking for and see if you can simply view the movie right now on your PC or Mac. When you consider the sizes of computer monitors nowadays and the sound quality, it's just like watching horror, comedy, adventure, and drama films on your television. Before you knock it be sure to give it a try and see what you could be missing.

2005 Movies: Remembering the Year in Movies

2005 was not a particularly strong year for film making in general around the world, and even less so for Hollywood, but there were some shining moments on the big screen.

“The Best of Youth” by Marco Tullio Giordana was made in Italy and aired there as a television miniseries. You can now get the DVD on Amazon or Netflix and get ready to hunker down because each disc is over three hours long, but it is well worth the time to get to know one of the best 2005 movies made. It tells the story of two brothers who take different paths in life and the women they love, all with the background of sixties radicalism and rioting.

“King Kong” by Peter Jackson is a flawed, overly long effort that is still one of the most incredible movies ever shot and all due to the characterization of the ape by the actor who portrayed him (yes there is an actor, but no monkey suit). This remake of the 1933 black and white classic is fantastic after the first boring hour. This 2005 movie stars Jack Black and Naomi Watts.

“Batman Begins” was great and stars Christian Bale. This movie is dark but fiercely realistic. The Batman here is no superhero, just a man on a mission. Very suspenseful and that made this one of the 2005 movies that you can’t forget. This was also the prequel if you will of 2008’s “The Dark Knight”.

“Sin City” with Mickey Rourke is one of the most visually stunning 2005 movies with its larger than life film noir look and comic book stylizations.

“A History of Violence” directed by David Cronenberg and starring Vigo Mortensen was bloody and vicious, but also suspenseful and full of surprise twists.

“Wallace and Gromit – The Curse of the Were-Rabbit” was best of the 2005 movies to feature animation, and claymation at that. Although suitable for children, the humor is perfect for adults as well. Very funny.

“Kung Fu Hustle” directed and starring the funny and twisted Kwok Kuen Chan still ranks as one of the funniest and weirdest 2005 movies and is well worth renting. This is the same director who brought us the very funny “Shaolin Soccer”.

“War of the Worlds” starring Tom Cruise was notable for great special effects but goes on too long. The end sequence is just plain boring. The first hour though is fantastic and will keep you on the edge of your seat.

These are just some of the best 2005 movies and you will certainly have your favorite. Get the popcorn ready, time for movie night!

The Best Thriller Movies and Creative Vision

American cinema has really changed in the last ten years as more and more studios and directors use elaborate and stylized techniques as well as digital effects in their films. The best thriller movies however still have to have some old-fashioned elements in order to be successful including great writing, acting, directing, and editing.

Great writing seems to be something that we take for granted when we go to the see thriller movies but it is also the hardest thing to get right and one of the rarest things in Hollywood movies. Since most Hollywood studio films are written by committee these movies often seem overblown, formulaic and just plain silly. The very best written movies are always written by one person with a unique vision that has hopefully not been tampered with by too many hacks along the way. Under the current Hollywood system a writer has little chance of fulfilling his grand vision. Instead he or she is subjected to script meetings with talentless and arrogant studio executives who proceed to systematically kill any dream the writer happens to have of creating a piece of art.

Art is not essential in the minds of studio executives. Putting people into seats for opening weekend is what matters most. Unfortunately the ultimate result of this type of backward thinking is that you draw for the first week of release based upon hype and advertising then lose audiences with bad word of mouth. Thriller movies can’t be made by number crunching but by directors and writers with vision and creative genius.

Martin Scorcese is one present day artist that does not compromise when it comes to originality and creativity. He is one of the lucky few that get to make movies without interference from the powers that be. One of the great movie thrillers was Scorcese’s remake of Cape Fear starring Robert DeNiro.

Scorcese’s latest movie is the suspense thriller Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio and pairing him with Robert DeNiro once again.

Good movie thrillers are like wine and get better with age. Rear Window was one of many Hitchcock masterpieces that viewers can watch over and over again and still enjoy. The Birds and Psycho are more examples of the British director’s genius.

Jonathan Demme’s 1991 Best Picture winner The Silence of the Lambs still remains to this day one of the best of the best movie thrillers ever made. In 1971 Clint Eastwood made his directing debut with the incredibly scary Play Misty for Me. One year later director John Boorman made his Academy Award winning masterwork Deliverance starring Burt Reynolds and Jon Voight. One of my all-time favorite movie thrillers is John Schleshinger’s 1976 spy film Marathon Man starring a young Dustin Hoffman.

The United States does not have any particular stranglehold on movie thrillers as was demonstrated in the great 1990 film La Femme Nikita by French director Luc Besson. Stephen Spielberg started his career with one of the simplest and best movie thrillers Duel about a deranged trucker.

One thing all great movie thrillers have in common is the element of surprise and the ability to make audiences squirm and sit on the edge of their seat.

Best Horror Movies 2006

2006 was a banner year and the best horror movies 2006 list that I present here will be somewhat controversial, but these lists always are. The reason no one can agree on these lists is that while some people consider all slasher movies to be horror, some only think that supernatural elements make up the horror genre. We can’t be that picky so we will review them all in the following compendium lest we offend any sensitivities out there.

“Feast” directed by John Gulager was actually released in 2005 but did not hit the movie theaters until 2006. Featuring the typical zombies run amok plot, it goes off track quickly and remains pretty unsettling. Very gory and scary and definitely a must see.

Six girls get trapped in an underground cave labyrinth while spelunking and are chased by albino earth-dwelling creatures in this very frightening film directed by Neil Marshall. The best thing about this film is that they build the story and characters very carefully so that we as an audience get very involved with each person. We care about what happens to them and as a result the scary parts are even scarier.

“Hostel” is also in my best horror movies 2006 list even though it does not have a supernatural element to it because it is intensely frightening at times and always disturbing. A group of backpackers going through Europe get lured into a hostel that has gorgeous girls running around in skimpy outfits. They get kidnapped and placed as victims into a “torture club” for rich sickos. Definitely not for the kiddies.

Another of the best horror movies 2006 is “Turistas” which a lot of people hated but I liked, mainly because I have spent a lot of time in the jungles of Central America and can relate to the subject matter. Tourists being robbed and set upon by the locals always makes for great suspense cinema. Not really traditional “horror” but scary enough as a suspense film. What constitutes “horror” anyway? Does anyone really get horrified anymore? The most these films will do to typical jaded audiences is a shock now and then that makes them jump out of their seat.

The last movie that was truly horrifying was “The Exorcist” which stayed with you long after you left the theater. That feeling of dread which made you scared to sleep alone at night does not come along very often. Another movie which scared me like that was “The Blair Witch Project” but I know a lot of people hated it and even got sick watching the moving camera shots. “Paranormal Activity” was like Blair Witch, with lots of hand held camera parts though not quite as many as in Blair Witch or Cloverfield.

Get the popcorn and gummy bears. Time to get scared!

What Are the Scariest Horror Movies I Have Ever Seen?

When Halloween rolls around each year, me and my friends and family always watch scary movies and hand out candy to trick or treaters—pretty traditional stuff, and always a lot of fun.

This past year, however, one of my friends posed a question to everyone present, asking us what were the scariest horror movies we had ever seen. I had to think about this one for a while, because I have seen so many scary movies, but eventually we all had our answers and took turns discussing our picks.

I got things started with “The Shining.” I first saw this movie when I was a teenager, and now, 20 years later, it still scares me. From the opening music, which is from Hector Berlioz' “Symphonie Fantastique,” to the halls of the hotel filling with blood, to the bathroom scene with the corpse, it is without question one of the scariest horror movies of all time.

My wife chose next, and for her the scariest horror movie of all time was “The Exorcist.” We are both Catholic, and I think it might take on an especially frightening tone with us, but I had to agree with her that it was definitely one of the scariest movies I had ever seen.

My brother chose next, and he said for him, “The Amityville Horror” was among the scariest horror movies he had ever seen because he first saw it when he was a boy. He said that he had nightmares about it for weeks after he first saw it, and said that it was actually difficult for him to watch it now because of all of the memories it conjured up.

My sister, who is a bit younger than the rest of us, said of all the horror movies she had ever seen, “Final Destination” was the scariest for her. She said the concept of it fascinated her, and said the feeling of utter hopelessness and despair definitely added to its scariness.

One of our friends mentioned the movie “The Ring,” and another couple talked about “It” as being the scariest horror movie he had ever seen. He said a lot of the scariness for him, like my brother, was that he saw it when he was a child, and used to have to ask his dad to check his closet before he went to sleep to make sure there were no scary clowns in there.

There are many scary movies, and opinions about the scariest horror movies are going to vary, but there do seem to be a few that stand out from the rest. Movies from the “Friday the 13th” series or “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” for instance, were scary when we were children, but none of us counted them among the scariest movies we had ever seen. Those are reserved for the ones that you see and never forget as long as you live.

List of Horror Movies that Don’t Suck

Horror movies have always been the favorite genre of many movie aficionados around the world. Unfortunately horror movies don’t get the respect from film critics that other genres get. It is extremely difficult to make a really good and scary horror movie. The list of horror movies that are actually any good is not very long. Slasher movies tried to replace horror movies about twenty years ago but those are not real horror movies. On any list of horror movies that don’t suck you will find some truly frightening films. Here is my list of horror movies that are worth watching.

“Rosemary’s Baby” may be a bit dated now and may not give you the kind of chills it did when it first came out, but it is still one of the really great atmospheric movies ever made and still can creep you out. “Psycho” may have been the first slasher movie but it is a true horror picture and has all the gothic trademarks of great horror films plus a dangerous and cheesy contemporary setting that everyone who has ever stayed at a roadside motel can attest to.

“The Exorcist” of course is still at the pinnacle on anyone’s list of horror movies that don’t suck. If you have never seen it, then you need to drop anything and everything that you are doing and go buy it right now. Put it on your big flat screen tonight and watch it with someone else that has never seen it. It is still the most unsettling and deeply frightening film ever made by a longshot and will keep you awake for many nights to come. This movie is definitely not for young children and not for the faint of heart. It is extremely brutal and very disturbing.

“The Blair Witch Project” was perhaps the greatest grossing film of all time in any genre because it cost so little to make and yet made hundreds of millions of dollars. Using handheld shaky cameras the film is a mock documentary about a group of students filming a documentary on the famous “Blair Witch” in the Maryland forest. The three students get lost deep in the forest and encounter some truly terrifying things out there. Without spoiling it you need to stick with this one until the very end.

2009’s Blair Witch Project was a little indie film called “Paranormal Activity” and is about a suburban couple that find their San Diego house haunted by an evil demon (are there any other kinds?) and they again use handheld cameras and night vision cameras to film the ghostly situations. This is a movie that begins slowly but builds to a shocking final act. This picture joins our list of horror movies that don’t suck because it will truly terrify you.

20 of the Top 100 Horror Movies of All Time

Listing the Top 20 was tough enough, but to attempt to compile a complete listing of the top 100 horror movies can be, well, frightening. There’s the problem of genre splitting, which is what happens when you can’t decide if “The Hills Have Eyes” is a horror movie (it is) or a Slasher flick (“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”). Then there’s the added complication of objectivity, which of course, goes down the drain from the get-go. So here are 20 of the top 100 horror movies of all time, and you should be grateful for these screen gems.

1. The Exorcist. No film has ever come close to the incredible raw power to absolutely freeze your skin that this movie had. I still get nightmares to this day and definitely number one in my Top 100 Horror Movies of All Time list.

2. Jaws. Though sometimes mistaken for a suspense or thriller movie, this is definitely a creature feature horror movie and one of the most traumatizing films ever made. Everyone out of the water!

3. Carrie. Brian de Palma’s masterpiece based on the Stephen King best seller.

4. The Evil Dead. Coen brothers first production. One by one, these college kids end up crawling on the walls. Creepy.

5. The Blair Witch Project. I could get a lot of flak for this one, but I for one will still not walk around the woods at night. No way.

6. Cloverfield. Giant space monster destroys New York, decapitating the Statue of Liberty along the way.

7. Nosferatu. Silent classic in ghoulish black and white.

8. Night of the Living Dead. Of course I mean the 1968 B & W version. Super scary! Our virgin film foray into the land of zombie mobs.

9. Carnival of Souls. Makes absolutely no sense at all, but you will not soon forget this haunting black and white horror noir classic.

10. Pan’s Labyrinth. Del Toro’s signature masterpiece remains solidly in the Top 100 Horror movies ever made.

11. Rosemary’s Baby. I remember when this movie first came out and it was the type of movie that changed the way you looked at life and the supernatural.

12. It’s Alive. Undead zombie baby in a dark subway tunnel. What could be better?

13. From Beyond. Easily the cheesiest and best B movie ever made.

14. Alien. This sci-fi horror fest tested the limits of audience paranoia.

15. The Blob. I like the last one best, but they’re all good.

16. Young Frankenstein. Not really a horror movie, but too good to keep off the list.

17. Paranormal Activity. Fantastically scary. First it bores you to death, then shocks you awake. Like getting hit with lightning while dead asleep.

18. The Ring. That creepy girl with the long hair should have stayed down the well.

19. The Hills Have Eyes. Definitely not members of the Hair Club for Men.

20. The Birds. Hitchcock at his crazy, scary, feathery best.

So there you have it. 20 of the top 100 horror movies of all time. Popcorn, anyone?

What's on your short list of scariest horror movies ... and why? Be afraid ...

We humans love to feel emotions. Who doesn't like the feeling of love, happiness, security, joy? Positive emotions have a positive effect on our bodies, our health and our general outlook on life. Negative emotions are not what we're after in our lives, and yet, the potential for these are always lurking, threatening to disrupt our neat and comfortable lives. While we may not acknowledge these emotions, they are nonetheless occurring subconsciously, more often than we think. They accumulate as negative energy in our psyches, and require release. Sure, we could exercise these away, punch a pillow, sublimate them and create a warm and fuzzy emotional masterpiece. We could also bring them to our consciousness by watching a drama, a movie, that brings them to the fore. That's where scary horror moves can help.

The scariest horror movies are, of course, the best. What's scary to one person may be comic to another. That's why your personal list of the scariest horror movies may be entirely different from another person's list of frightful movies. Have a fear of ghosts? Think you see them once in a while? Wonder what they can do to you? “The House on Haunted Hill”, “Poltergeist”, “The Others” and “The Sixth Sense” will probably be on your list of the scariest horror movies you've seen. “I see dead people” ... what could be more terrifying than that?

Don't believe in ghosts, but certain that you've got a spirit, and, you haven't been quite good? Fear you're headed to hell? Think the devil has a claim on you? Your list of scary movies might well include “Faust”, “Rosemary's Baby”, “The Exorcist”, “Devil Dog: Hound of Hell”, or the one that says it all, “Drag Me to Hell”. Maybe after watching one of these, like most of the population did after viewing “The Exorcist”, you'll be scared straight.

If you're afraid of going to hell and having Satan as your daddy, you probably believe that your soul isn't quite up to snuff, that perhaps what will get you into hell lies at the bottom of your heart. Your list of the scariest horror movies you've seen will probably include “Psycho”, “American Psycho”, “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane”, “Halloween”, “Freaks” and “Misery”. Think that hostility in yourself is more like something you caught, a disease? Well, the same thing happened to the wolf man, and there's a movie to prove it! Have some pent up hostility against your classmates? Afraid it might burst out? Add “Carrie” to your list and, incidentally, release a bit of that hostility when Carrie burns down the town.

Some people aren't afraid of anything. They expect to live their lives through and rest in peace beneath a spreading tree overlooking the rolling hills. Are you sure that's where it ends? Try this: create a list of the scariest movies you've ever seen by viewing “Nosferatu”, “Night of the Living Dead”, “Dawn of the Dead”, “Evil Dead”, movies that suggest you might end up sucking blood at night and sleeping in your coffin when the sun is out! Yikes!

Your list of the scariest horror movies will be of movies that have reached down into your brain and thrown up to your consciousness the fears and terrors that threaten to burst forth and turn you into what you fear the most. Better in a movie than in reality, you're sure to agree. Long live the horror movie, so long as humans fear. It's a good bet that horror movies will remain popular for a loooong time!

So you want to be in movies? Ironically, it's neither so easy nor so difficult as you might imagine!

Many a young woman and man have stars in their eyes at an early age. Kids like Dakota Fanning serve as inspiration to millions of kids who want to be in movies. However, you must be thoroughly dedicated to your objective, being both persistent and willing to work hard towards your goal.

Just because you've got good looks doesn't mean you'll get a role by just showing up. In fact, while good looks may be an asset, you don't have to be a stunning example of female beauty or male handsomeness. Can't you think of several actors and actresses who have made it to the big screen, but are not extraordinary in looks?

If you want to be in movies, there are several factors which play a role in your ultimate success – or failure. Training is one of the most important components in building a successful acting career. Let's take a look at some of the steps you'll need to take to launch your acting career.

1.If you're quite young, say in grade or middle school, and are determined to be in movies while you're still in your teens, or as a young adult, the best time to start is now! If your school offers a drama class, by all means enroll. Even small towns usually have a Little Theatre group, which draws actors and would-be actors from the local community, putting on perhaps a dozen plays each year. Call them up and ask if you might audition for them. The answer is most often “Yes.” You may be required to do a 'cold reading', where you just show up and are handed a script to read. Others might provide a script you can read over before auditioning.

2.Take a class in diction. Diction pertains not only to style, but correctness in pronunciation, enunciation and clarity. Perhaps the Queen of diction is Meryl Streep, with her extraordinary ability to speak in a variety of dialects and speaking styles.

3.Do some research on the net and in libraries. A Google search for 'acting camps', 'acting seminars online' and 'acting workshops online', should provide thousands of leads to websites with valuable articles and links to online and offline training programs.

4.Read, voraciously! If you want to be in movies, reading the classics gives you an opportunity to 'get into character'. The best actors are known to transcend their own personality and 'become' the character in the script. Read 'Gone with the Wind', or 'The Old Man and the Sea'. Any classic novel will do. You'll find that reading Scarlett O'Hara's lines aloud forces you to adopt her style and perspective. Get inside her head, learn what motivates her and why she reacts in particular ways. See how her character evolves. Once you've practiced in front of the mirror and feel competent to portray her character, in diction, mannerisms and facial and body expression, give a performance in front of family members or friends. Ask for a critique.

5.Cultivate mentors whenever possible. You'll find mentors in the Little Theatre groups, drama classes, workshops, seminars and camps. Building a network of mentors, refined over time, is a big step towards your ultimate objective: to be in movies.

6.As you build a portfolio of credits – and this will take time – you might now think of hiring a photographer which adequately depicts your 'many faces', showcasing your ability for diversity of character representation.

7.When your portfolio is sufficiently robust, now's the time to look for an agent. Agents have the connections to match you with a variety of parts currently on offer. Check the prospective agent's credentials before you sign a contract. Having an attorney review the contract is always a good idea.

Following these seven steps will put you on solid footing in your ambition to be in movies. There's so much you'll learn along the way, meeting people with far more experience and making new and important connections that get you where you want to go!

Get on Your Feet! A Shout Out to Dance Movies

Sure- dramatic movies may win Oscars. Absolutely- sci-fi films have excellent special effects. Romantic comedies can make us laugh and cry at the same time, and guy humor has its merits. However, there is something to be said for an epic dance movie. It has romance, humor, drama, beautiful people, and, above all, invigorating dance scenes that makes the most awkward among us consider doing a jig. While the story lines are, admittedly, usually pretty weak, and the acting often leaves much to be desired, there are some dance movies that you just can't help but love.

Flashdance- One of the classic 80's dance movies, this tale tells the story of Alex, a young blue collar worker who dances at night and dreams of being accepted to a classical dance conservatory. She faces ups and downs, has a crisis of confidence, falls in love and eventually gets up the courage to follow her dreams and audition for a spot at the Pittsburgh Conservatory of Dance and Repertory. Critics may have panned it, but audiences couldn't get enough of her fast skills and hot leg warmers.

Dirty Dancing- Nobody puts Baby in a corner! As far as dance movies go, this one is a classic. The super intelligent and serious, though utterly naive, Baby is exposed to the wild and sensual ways of professional, seasonal dancer Johnny. Fireworks, abortion and a sweaty, shirtless Patrick Swayze make this a must watch.

Footloose- If you grew up in the 80's, and saw any of the dance movies, this was probably it. The film tells the story of a sheltered town where dancing is absolutely taboo, but the kids just have to move their feet. A movie that sent Kevin Bacon skyrocketing to fame, this movie will have you jumping to your feet to break loose with your own dance moves.

Saturday Night Fever- John Travolta never looked so good. The best of the disco-themed dance movies, Saturday Night Fever exposed the risque night life that was the disco scene. The movie not only provides some awesome dance scenes, but in the R-rated version, provides an excellent examination of what drugs and alcohol can do to mess up someone's life. Watching with the kids? Look for the PG version.

Save the Last Dance- In an effort to bring dance movies to their former glory, MTV produced Save the Last Dance with Julia Stiles. The story follows a classically trained ballerina who is thrust into a far more urban living situation, and learns that dance doesn't have to be formal all the time, finding love along the way (of course).

Center Stage- Ok, this movie is awful. The acting is terrible, and the story is weak. However, the graceful ballet, energizing hip hop and soulful jazz routines performed by the dancers making an effort at acting are enough to make you beg for more.

Step Up- The latest of the dance movies, this film takes a look at the underground break dancing scene. Channing Tatum stars as the break dancing hoodlum who, when forced to do community service at an arts school, pairs with a classically trained ballerina to blend the styles of dance into something that is impossible to look away from.

The Seven Best Horror Movies of All Time

Any ranking of films is bound to be subjective and provoke disagreement, but not this one. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen: the seven absolute, unquestionable, objectively unassailable seven best horror movies of all time.

At number seven we have a classic film, James Whale’s 1935 “Bride of Frankenstein.” This is not only one of the best horror movies ever made, it’s one of the best films ever made. It combines horror with pathos in a most disturbing way, making us wonder – is the monster we fear really… us?

Number six in the ranking of the best horror movies ever is 1982’s “Poltergeist,” directed by Tobe Hooper. “Poltergeist” is often overlooked as a genuine innovator in the horror genre, but it should be acknowledged for taking dull, whitewashed suburbia and transforming it into a place of utter and intense horror.

The fifth best horror film is Alfred Hitcock’s “Psycho,” released in 1960. It may not be terrifying by today’s standards, but this film will always be a standout among the best horror movies for several reasons. For one, it contains the infamous shower scene, and for another, it ends with one of the most horrifying and memorable twists in cinema history.

Our fourth top horror film is 1956’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” This makes the list of best horror movies because it, ahem, embodies the dreadful theme of corporeal invasion as no other film ever has.

Next, comes “Night of the Living Dead,” directed by George Romero and released in 1968. This film gets ranked number three on our list of best horror movies of all time, because it is the template for pretty much every zombie movie ever made, and because it is still damn creepy to watch to this day.

At number two, the second best horror movie ever is “Alien,” from 1980. “Alien” actually melds two genres, horror and science fiction. But it also combines the body invasion horror of “Body Snatchers,” the alone-in-the-dark scariness of “Psycho,” and the grotesque monster terror of, well, every monster movie ever made. It all adds up to one of the scariest, most suspenseful and spine-chilling, and flat-out best horror movies ever.

Finally, we have the number one, unconditional, supreme, best horror movie ever made. I’m sure some amateur horror movie enthusiasts will disagree, but this is not fluffy opinion; it’s cold, hard fact. “The Exorcist” is the scariest movie of all time. Of all the best horror movies, it is the most frightening, the most nightmarish, and yet the closest to home. It exploits our fear of the most invasive and impossible to fight force in the universe: pure, unadulterated evil. That makes “the Exorcist” the absolute best out of all the best horror movies ever made.

Some of the Best Oscar Nominated Movies Never Won

I try to watch the Oscars as often as possible, and I routinely find that the movie that I liked best in a particular year is the winner for best picture. On a couple of occasions, however, I felt that there were some very good Oscar nominated movies that should have won, but did not.

Let's start with 2010, in which the best picture award went to “The Hurt Locker.” I thought that there were two movies that were better in “The Blind Side” and “Inglourious Basterds.” To me, they had better stories and were more interesting than the winner.

I was happy to see that Sandra Bullock received the Best Actress in a Leading Role award for “The Blind Side” and that Christoph Waltz won the award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for “Inglourious Basterds.”

Going back a few decades, in 1990, two Oscar nominated movies that did not get the nod for Best Picture were “Field of Dreams” and “Born on the Fourth of July.” Instead, it was “Driving Miss Daisy,” that won, and I never could understand why. I liked the movie all right, but to me, “Field of Dreams” in particular was such an iconic movie.

Then in 1993, one of my favorite Oscar nominated movies of all time, “A Few Good Men,” got beaten out by “Unforgiven.” I have to admit, I really did not like the movie “Unforgiven” that much, and I still scratch my head over that one.

In 1999, “Shakespeare in Love” beat out two Oscar nominated movies that I thought were much better, “Saving Private Ryan” and “Life is Beautiful.” That is one that actually made me a little angry, because I did not feel that “Shakespeare in Love” should have even been nominated, and I definitely don't think that it is on par with the other two.

“Million Dollar Baby” won in 2005, and don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved that movie. But I still think that “Ray,” another Oscar nominated movie, was a little better. That year was a bit too close to call, but I still thought that “Ray” should have won, and it always takes me aback a little when one wins that I didn't think would.

I know that it is all a matter of opinion and I am sure that there are some people out there who are looking at the movies that I like and thinking that I am out of my mind for suggesting that they should have won. I just feel that a lot of the Oscar nominated movies that did not win were better than the ones that did. Of course, that is probably why they were nominated in the first place.

Watch New Movies Free Online

It is no big secret that everyone loved entertainment. This is why there are so many different forms of entertainment at your disposal these days. The simple reality is that most people cannot get enough of it. There is likely always some television show or move you want to watch. Fortunately there are many ways to get your entertainment fix at this point in time. Especially with the World-Wide Web at your fingertips. You can essentially watch new movies free online whenever you choose to. There are really no catches to this either. All you need to do is access a website, sign up with your email and password, and you can begin watching.

Have you ever checked out free websites like,, and If not, you are really missing out! These are three totally free websites that allow you to watch new movies free online. The wonderful thing is you can choose to watch whatever movie you choose at any time you want. The films are basically alphabetized, and you can skip to a certain letter or title in order to pinpoint the film you are after. This is not only a convenient way to watch new movies free online, but it also gives you all the control, since there are no late fees or crowds to deal with. Say goodbye to the local video store.

The reason so many people are looking to watch new movies free online instead of renting them from a local video store is due to the crowds. It seems like every time you actually want to rent a movie and watch it, there is a massive crowd at the local video store. Furthermore, the specific title you are looking for is often not available. This can be so utterly frustrating and annoying. Why can't we all just enjoy the movies we want to see when we want to see them? No there is a concept. Well, this is something websites like Krackle, Hulu, and Salsh Control are trying to make possible for everyone with a computer an Internet access.

In order to really get a feeling for this concept, you must try watching new movies free online. It is not like so many other things that claim to be free, but then they actually want your credit card, so they can "keep it on file." When you choose to watch new movies free online, all you have to deal with is signing up once, and using your email address and password to log in. Brief commercial advertisements play during the film just as though you were watching it on television. However, the commercials are much shorter, and the films are not edited. So be sure to keep this in mind before you let your children watch new movies free online.

How to rebuild your life, stay away from romance movies

Rebuilding your life after a divorce is not always easy. You will find that many things will come up and make it difficult for you to get through them. You will want to make sure that you are making the right decisions so that you are able to make the best of your new life that has been changed so dramatically.

Getting the things in life that you want in life is not always, what you get. You may have to do some things in order to make them happen. We all do not have the life that we want all of the time. Sometimes we make mistakes and we have to deal with them. The same will go for marriages. Some work out while others do not. There are many people that go through a divorce and they will have to make the changes in their life that get them through their hard times.

You should avoid some things when you are going through a divorce. You will defiantly want to stay away from romance movies. You have to be willing to stay out of any movie theater or renting any video that has any type of romance in it. You will only be making your situation worse and you will have problems that are more emotional if you do this to yourself. You do not want to make this mistake because it can make your healing process much worse than what it already is.

You will want to watch movies that are upbeat and positive. You need to find things in life that are going to make you feel good about yourself and how you deal with your divorce. You will want to make sure that you are getting out the house as much as you can. It would be a great idea to go out with friends or with you to a movie theater. You can catch a new flick or a classic comedy from time to time and help you with your outlook on life.

The best types of movies to watch when you are going through a divorce are comedies or about people that have gone through much worse and ended on top. You want to see success stories so that you are able to keep the feeling that everything is going to be good again and that are going to get better. It is amazing how a movie can make you feel good about yourself and the situation that you are in.

If you are renting movies for you to watch at home, you will want to keep them light and upbeat. Make sure that you are watching movies that make you laugh. Invite some of your best friends over and make a big bowl of popcorn. This is a great way to spend an evening so that you can feel good about yourself. You will want to be able to sit back and relax while watching a movie that will keep you positive and feeling good about yourself.

You can rebuild your life when you are able to keep a good way of thinking. You do not want to have any contact with movies that are depressing in any way or sad. You want to stay focused on the good things in life and what is out there waiting for you. When you are sure of yourself and what you are going to do to make the situation better, you will be able to come out on top. You will have a better chance at making the future better and brighter for you after a divorce if you keep those comedies coming and throw the romance movies out!

What is Your List of Scary Movies

If there's on thing I've learned about film, it's that movies are subjective for the most part. While your best friend may have a top ten list of scary movies that totally creep him/her out, your list of horror films may be totally different. No worries! This is to be expected. It stems from the fact that we all harbor different fears; therefore we're bound to be frightened of different creatures, maniacs, goblins, ghosts, monsters, aliens and ghouls. Do you know what your list of top scary movies consists of?

Online you can always spot lists of top movies. Whether they fall into the romantic comedy, science fiction, horror, thriller, dram or adventure category, you're bound to encounter many in cyberspace. However, it's imperative to remember that a list of some film nut's top 50 scary movies of all time could totally contradict your opinion. The key is picking up on the top scary films that people just like yourself commonly recommend. It sounds funny, but I've seen numerous lists of scary movies all over the web. While they generally differ in regards to some titles, most of them offer a few of the same horror film suggestions every time. So if you're not too into scary movies, but are looking to test out a few for Halloween or some special occasion, let me offer a few that commonly get respect from everyone. First off you have "The Exorcist." I don't care what list of scary movies you gaze over, it more than likely has this 70s horror hit in it. Folks are simply terrified of demons related to the anti-Christ. Another one that always pops up is "Halloween." This is the epitome of the classic slasher film. Movie goers just love the idea of a maniac in a mask, who doesn't speak, but only kills with great fury.

It's always a good idea to check out as many horror movies as you can before making your top ten list of scary movies ever made. You may be surprised at some you enjoy that other slasher fans despised and ranted poorly about online. The key to finding great horror films is viewing them yourself. While you're likely to go for the redundant classics appreciated by everyone, there are surely a few new ones you can add to your personal list of top scary movies.

Comedy Movies that will Tinkle You Pink

Who does not love to laugh? In these economic times, a good chuckle or guffaw may be hard to come by. Though it may not seem the time or place to be engaging in frivolities, perhaps a side-splitting laugh may be exactly what the doctor ordered. Where can you find one? Well, one easy, available, and quick to find source may be comedy movies. Before you moan and sigh about what the world has come to in terms of entertainment, take a moment to look back on some of the best comedy movies of our time. You might be surprised with the gems (even recent) that appear.

Wedding Crashers- Starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, this is one of the best raunchy comedy movies you can find. The plot follows a pair of friends who have made a career by crashing weddings for entertainment and sex. With Rachel McAdams and Christopher Walken, this hilarious, though sometimes crude, film is sure to please.

The Princess Bride- “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” Perhaps one of the most famous lines from this off color fairy tale, it is one of many that will stick out in your mind afterwards. As far as comedy movies go, this is good, clean family fun that borders on silly. With Robin Wright Penn, Billy Crystal, Fred Savage and Andre the Giant, this is certainly worth checking out.

Father of the Bride- Take your pick. This is one of the few comedy movies where the original (starring Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor) as well as the remake (with Steve Martin) are both sure to bring out a giggle or two. The story follows one exasperated father as he prepares to see his little girl walk down the aisle. Sentimental, to be sure, but also hilarious.

The Hangover- A new addition to a long line of comedy movies that appeal to the teenage boy in everyone, this movie follows the crazy events of a group of friends attending a bachelor party in Vegas. Between the tigers, strippers, Mike Tyson and Asian gangsters, it is a no holds barred raunch fest that will have you close to peeing your pants.

Duck Soup- I can hear you now. “Ugh, black and white? You've got to be kidding me.” Before you dismiss the film based on age alone, you should know that the Groucho brothers functionally invented comedy movies. This is one flick where color won't get in the way of tears rolling down your cheeks. It's worth a look. I promise.

Annie Hall- You can't have a list of excellent comedy movies without giving at least mention to a romantic comedy, and Annie Hall is more than deserving of that honor. Woody Allen's neurotic portrayal is contrasted by Diane Keaton's comforting, down-to-earth quirkiness in what is easily of the best, and most amusing, love stories of all time.

Ice Hockey in Movies, Television, and Music

Hockey has really made a stand in movies and like all of the major sports; hockey plays a huge role in American pop culture. Though it is the least most popular sport, a few Hollywood films have been made about hockey. Like the 1984 film Youngblood when the sport of hockey was at its peak during the late 70s and through the 80s and then when 1992 was when the Mighty Ducks was released to introduce hockey to a new generation of sports enthusiasts. Either way the sport has made itself profitable in film to keep people interested especially the hockey fans that didn't get the recognition before the films were made about this sport. Hockey also crossed over into American television from shows like Cheers to Home Improvement and even NYPD Blue with characters either making references to being fans of hockey or having something in their environment to tell the audience that they like the sport. Recent shows like Rescue Me featured some scenes of people playing hockey as a part of a charity event.

Hockey is so popular in Canada that it's a very important part of Canadian culture. It always features Canadian-produced shows and furthermore it's launched a new genre of reality and scripted shows since the United States hasn't really attempted to create a reality show about the sport of Hockey since they've covered everything from law enforcement to talent shows, but not the sport of hockey. Film director Kevin Smith who's a big hockey fan always manages to add in some reference to the sport in his films Mallrats, Jersey Girl, and a couple others it's kind of like Spike Lee using the technique of the background moving to make it look like the people are walking and in conversation or thought it's kind of like Smith's trademark film making technique. Yet hockey is still not nearly as popular as basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, and golf, but it's slowly coming into its own.

Cartoons have come into making hockey a part of it's story lines like Peanuts where Snoopy who's well known by any one who's a fan of the Peanuts cartoon that he loves ice hockey and many comic strip frames feature him playing the sport with his constant companion Woodstock. The only other cartoon that had a reference to hockey was in the show The Simpsons where Lisa was playing in a hockey match. Hockey has also stepped into the world of music as well with known singers like Warren Zevon and Stompin' Tom Connors. Hockey has been an integral part of American and Canadian culture in some way shape and form, but it has boosted the popularity of the sport among the people who are fans of it greatly and it will continue to rise in years to come. It's usually those who live in cold climates that will appreciate such a sport as hockey. Hockey's history spans many years, but in Canada it's a way of life just as football and basketball are a way of life in America, Canadians appreciate the action and how it brings people out to have a good time and enjoy a sporting event that's a national pastime like baseball.

For most Canadians its hockey and beer exactly how Americans like their professional sports games and the majority of the hockey movies made was around the time Hollywood was going through that phase where films were being made about sports, books, video games, songs, and historical time periods. The Mighty Ducks was the most recent in the last 15 years of a rehashing of hockey themed movies.

I couldn’t imagine my childhood without Disney Movies. Some of my fondest memories are directly linked to the Walt Disney classics like Lady and the Tramp, Cinderella and Snow White. Now that this children’s entertainment company has grown, there are more Disney movies available than ever before.

Each tale is unique and you are certain to find a favorite or two among the many films that have been created over the years. Disney movies offer something for everyone no matter what your age. I love watching the older films but the newer productions are nothing short of astonishing.

I am continually amazed by the incredible artistic feats that the Disney movies display. Considering that I remember Snow White when it was in the theaters, I can attest that I have had my fair share of films to compare. While I will always love the genuine beauty of the classic cartoon drawings, there is something truly astonishing about the computer generated images found in today’s Walt Disney productions.

No matter what, I find that children adore Disney movies no matter what kind of approach the animators use. The stories are so compelling and original (not to mention entertaining) that children of all ages will enjoy each and every one of the films. This includes the older ones that retain such charm.

Now that I’m a parent, I make sure that my little ones have all of the same wonderful experiences with Disney movies as I did. Creating your own collection of Walt Disney films may take a little time and effort but it is worth everything that you put into it. I love that I have many of the classics available any time at all.

This is especially good news for the kids. They have a chance to see classic Walt Disney movies like Bambi in the comfort of our home. These films are not seen on television and they are not re-released in theaters. However, they are readily available whenever the kids would like to enjoy them.

While I do love the amazing new Disney movies, I still get a thrill when my kids want to watch one of the older classics. It’s nice to know that my little ones have a chance to enjoy the very same films that I enjoyed as a child. I almost feel as if I’m a kid again when I watch with them. It is a wonderful experience for everyone involved.

Disney Movies Takes Us Back to the Magical Time of Hand-Drawn Musicals

Most older adults have tender childhood memories of Walt Disney's breathtaking but touching cartoon movies of the early years - Snow White, Bambi and Fantasia. Anyone who has visited Disneyland and found the opportunity to visit one of the studios where artists lovingly make hand-drawn animation, cel by painful cel, has often wished for the quality and the dedication of those times in todays world of the perfect 3-D animated movie. Disney movies has famously released its statement recently that it sees things this way too - that they wish to make and release at least one traditional hand-drawn animated feature every year.

This year's hand-drawn, high-profile feature from Disney movies is 'The Princess and the Frog'. The movie has opened in the top slot on its opening week too, though for a painstaking project in hand-drawn animation, a $25 million opening is seen to be less than encouraging. The Princess and the Frog has a special protagonist: the first Princess in a Disney movie who is an African-American. Of course, as anyone who has watched a little TV or visited a toy store recently must know, Disney has been pushing the glamour of this idea really hard with merchandise, masks and advertising. But some critics are not buying the whole equality thing Disney is trying. The prince she's trying to kiss back out of the frog, is not black, they say.

Disney movies of the past used to be musical extravaganzas, like 'The Little Mermaid'. And 'The Princess and the Frog' is a return to that rich musical tradition in Disney. Going hand-drawn in an era of ultra-realistic 3-D animation needs to be done with special sensitivity; and Disney seems to believe that the best mind for such a direction should be a pioneer in 3-D animation such as John Lasseter, one of the founders of Pixar. While the movie seems a little slow, taking off, critical opinion has been unequivocally generous. Perhaps Lasseter was just the right choice after all. Disney movies are not charged just by ticket sales, of course; most of their productions take on an after-life of their own in the collective consciousness, and drive a rousing business in Disney merchandise. If this movie succeeds in capturing the imaginations of children far enough to drive the sales of dolls, stuffed toys, action figures and children's bedroom accessories, it can certainly be said, then, that Disney has succeeded in reviving the genre.

The last hand-drawn venture from Disney movies was 'Home on the Range' five years ago; it's been noticed ever since that the hand-drawn variety does not catch on as quickly as a movie made on modern methods. But once they catch on they just become immortal. 'The Princess and the Frog' is about a waitress in New Orleans whose ambition it is to become a successful restaurant entrepreneur herself. She finds herself in a situation where she gets to kiss a prince turned into frog, to help it return to human form. She does so, but finds that her plans have taken a bad turn, and the spell has turned her into a frog too. If Disney can get past accusations that it is running on stereotypes to pander to its audience, it should have a hit on its hands.

Martial Arts Movies

Almost everyone I know who has studied martial arts got a start watching kung fu films. The most obvious and most classic ones are the martial arts movies done by the late Bruce Lee. He really set a new standard in martial arts films. He made things faster, more dramatic, and more involved than ever before. His movies not only had excellent and unprecedented fight scenes, but they also had interesting plots and sinister villains as well.

When watching old martial arts movies, it is easy to forget how pioneering They were at the time. Many people get caught up in the bad translations and cheesy dialog, not noticing me incredible fight scenes. Of course, modern Chinese martial arts movies have taken things even further. The films of people like Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan have set a whole news level of excellence for martial arts fight scenes. They seamlessly combined special effects, brilliant choreography, and humorous antics into one seamless whole.

Of course, There are plenty of other martial arts movies besides the kung fu films. America has been making fighting films for years. There were, of course, the Karate Kid movies. Anyone who grew up in the 80s remembers these films. They were interesting because they featured a style of fighting that wasn't generally portrayed in movies at the time. Karate is pretty straightforward, and doesn't necessarily make for great film. In the Karate Kid movies, however, they really made it work.

Some of the most interesting martial arts movies are actually not fictional films at all, but demonstrations. I first saw a kung fu demonstration video about a year ago, and since then I have been watching every single one I can get my hands on. Many of these demos are based around long, elaborate, intricate dance-like routines rather than simple fighting. All the moves have a combative purpose, but they also have a grace and beauty to them as well. The fighters shadowbox with imaginary enemies, leaping, vaulting, kicking, and punching all over the stage with grace and ease. They punctuate flashy aerobatics and martial arts weapons displays with grunts, shouts, and shoulder rolls. All in all, it is almost every bit as dramatic as watching Jackie Chan take on the bad guys in one of his martial arts movies. Best of all, it gives you a taste of the art that you don't really get in the big kung fu movies, No matter how cool they are. Somehow, it feels more authentic and more immediate.

Free Online Movies

One thing that most people can agree on is their love for entertainment. Men and women both enjoy watching countless movies, television shows, sporting events, and music videos all the time. This is why the television networks are flooded with them. However, nowadays there are additional ways to acquire great entertainment, and without even paying for it. I am talking about free online movies. Although you may not have known it, there are oodles of free films that can be watched on the web. All you need is a fairly new computer, and high speed Internet access to enjoy free online movies at any time.

One of the major websites that offers free online movies is This is a site that is really growing in popularity these days. A couple of other sites that should be checked out for free entertainment are and Both of which offer countless television shows and movies that can be viewed at any time. There is no fee whatsoever involved. All you need is a simple email address in order to sign up. You are given a password, which allows you to log in and select movies and TV shows you want to place in your queue for later on. This way you can easily find them when you want to watch them.

The local video store does not offer free online movies! Remember how much of a pain in the butt it was the last time you visited the local video store in order to rent a movie? This can be such a process with all of the long lines, crowds of people hoarding against the new release wall, and irksome due dates. The reality is that no one wants to grapple with silly due dates any longer. People are looking for convenience and low prices. Even better, people are seeking out entertainment with no price tag on it. This is where free online movies becomes ideal for any entertainment buff.

The thing to do is check out websites like Slash Control, Hulu, and Crackle. Sign up for a free account and start browsing through their great selections of free online movies and television shows. This takes no time at all, and it means free entertainment whenever you want it. So many people are steering away from programs like Netflix and Blockbuster online due to the free online movies that are available around the clock. The great thing is these movie titles are always updated. This means more and more free online movies for you to watch and enjoy in your spare time without the hassles of lines and late fees.

Romantic Comedy Movies Are Back in a Big Way

Back in the 40s and 50s, romantic comedy movies were huge hits. Stars like Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Doris Day, Jimmy Stewart, Rock Hudson, and many others began their careers in romantic comedy movies. Many spent their entire careers doing these kinds of fun films that combined love stories with situational comedy and witty banter. Movies like “Bringing Up Baby” and “The Philadelphia Story” became shining examples of the genre and helped to bring in lots of new audiences around the world to theatres.

Today’s top romantic comedy movies are crowd pleasers with hilarious storylines and wacky performances by some of the industry’s top actors and actresses. In 2009 we were given the gift of “The Proposal” starring Sandra Bullock as a “Type A” workaholic, tough as nails executive and Ryan Reynolds as her beleaguered and overworked assistant. When Bullock’s character is about to get deported to Canada she comes up with the hare- brained scheme to get married with Reynolds. The results are very funny and even touching near the end.

One of the best romantic comedy movies of the last ten years is “The 40 Year Old Virgin” starring sad sack comic actor Steve Carrell and the mature but still sexy Catherine Keener. Directed by then first-timer Judd Apatow, it has made a tremendous killing at the box office and in rentals and DVD sales all over the world and propelled Apatow and Carrell to further superstardom.

2007 brought us a deep dish goodie of a movie called “Waitress” starring the lovely Keri Russell as an abused wife who works in a pie restaurant somewhere in the Deep South. Russell is endearing and you fall in love with her as she battles her drunken, abusive husband and ends up having a torrid affair with the new, dashing town doctor. This movie is great fun overall with a good message.

In 2003 audiences were treated to one of the funniest romantic comedy movies of all time with “Something’s Gotta Give” starring a feisty Jack Nicholson and the colder, but sincere Diane Keaton in a pairing made in movie heaven. Nicholson plays an old playboy who is dating Keaton’s twenty-something daughter. When Jack gets a heart attack while having an amorous interlude and ends up recuperating for a few days at Keaton’s house, the sparks fly and comedy magic ensues. This is one that is not to be missed.

One of my personal favorite romantic comedy movies is the hilarious “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” which came out in 2008 and now ranks as one of the top money makers of the past ten years. Directed by Nick Stoller and written and starring Jason Segel, this is a very funny movie about a guy who can’t get over his break-up with a girl. Segel plays a nerdy TV show theme music composer who heads to Hawaii to somehow get over the loss of his gorgeous actress girlfriend, only to find her and her new rock star boyfriend vacationing in the condo next door.

Romantic comedy movies will continue to tickle our fancies as long as men and women continue to date, love, and get married.

2005 movies

2005 was a great year for movies. There were a plethora of comedies, action, horror drama and animation movies but only five very well received 2005 movies were nominated for the most prestigious Best Picture of the Year Academy Award. The nominees were announced in February and the 78th Annual Academy Awards ceremony was held on March 5, 2006 in Hollywood, California.

The Aviator, starring Leonardo DiCaprio was in the running. This film told the story of Howard Hughes, an aviator and Hollywood film director who suffered from phobias which left him paranoid and anti-social. The all-star cast included Gwen Stefani, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale and Cate Blanchett. The film was produced by Michael Mann and Graham King.

Ray, another bio-pic starring Jamie Foxx was also nominated as best picture of the year. It tells the story of Ray Charles who was a famous pianist who lost his sight at a very early age and went on to become a legend. The film also features Kerry Washington and Regina King. It was produced by Howard Baldwin, Taylor Hackford and Stuart Benjamin.

Finding Neverland told of story of J.M. Barrie, a writer who befriends a family in England. This family inspires him to write the Peter Pan adventures that are so popular today. The film starred Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, two very acclaimed actors. The film was produced by Nellie Bellflower and Richard N. Gladstein.

Sideways was another nominee in the best picture category. This smaller budget film was not short on laughs as two old college roommates drive to wine country to celebrate one’s last week as a single man. They find romance and danger all while sampling the best wines in the country. The film stars Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Virginia Madsen and Sandra Oh. It was produced by Michael London.

Million Dollar Baby is about a hardened coach who softens to a woman from poverty who is determined to become a professional boxer. This unconventional love story is touching and poignant. The films stars Hilary Swank, Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman. The film was produced by Tom Rosenberg, Albert S. Ruddy and Clint Eastwood. The film was so well received it won the Academy Award for Best Picture of the year.

The film also picked up Academy Awards for Best Director, Clint Eastwood, Best Supporting Actor, Morgan Freeman and Best Actress, Hilary Swank. Since being nominated is such an honor, winning four Academy Awards is quite an accomplishment.

Movies on Global Warming

It seems that people are coming from all directions to make movies about global warming. Many people are moved to educate people about the subject and want to reach the widest possible audience. Books do not hold the appeal they once did. Now, people want to sit down and watch a movie to understand subjects like global warming.

Although Al Gore has a book by the same name, most people know An Inconvenient Truth as a feature length documentary movie. The movie boils down to a power-point presentation that Gore has given many times on the subject of global warming. Al Gore simply presents facts in a low-key, personable way. The film includes some biographical information about Al Gore, too.

The 60 Minutes documentary, The Age of Warming, which aired April 1, 2007, is a must-see for those interested in global warming. In it, correspondent Scott Pelley explores Antarctica to find evidence of global warming. There, Pelley finds that the Adelie and Chinstrap penguins are being endangered by loss of habitat. He also finds glaciers that are in the process of rapid melting into lakes. It is an eye opener.

Some fictional movies have been made with the theme of global warming. One is The Day After Tomorrow, starring Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal. While the science may not be precisely or even nearly right, the special effects are fantastic. It is a good old-fashioned disaster flick with all kinds of natural disasters. Bring out the popcorn, but do not expect to be educated.

An Earth Story, starring Ross Gelbspan and John Hutchison is another of those documentary-type movies. It tells the story about all those scary predictions of climate change due to global warming. The sub-title is An Alternative to Extinction. That alone should explain how dramatic this movie is. The solutions to global warming are equally dramatic.

Not exactly a traditional movie, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris' Crisis as Opportunity: Living Better on a Hotter Planet is unique. Instead of being distraught and woeful, Sahtouris views global warming as a natural evolutionary process. She sees it as a beneficial challenge that will help people learn to live together as they never have before.

Energy Crossroads: A burning need to change course, is a documentary movie about the energy crisis. It deals with the amount of oil that will be left in the future and the different ways to overcome that crisis. However, a good part of this movie is devoted to a study of how energy issues are tied to global warming. It points to global warming as one of the reasons humans need to make changes.

There is a set of movies called the Secrets of the Millennium. Probably the best of this series is the one with information on global warming. It is titled Secrets of the Millennium: Man vs. Nature: Who Will Win? It dramatically exposes humans' desires to control earth, while letting things get out of hand environmentally at the same time.

Many celebrities have made their own movies on global warming. Some of them are not available for viewing yet, and some of them can be seen on the internet. One example is global warming films by Leonardo DiCaprio that can be viewed on his website. As the reality of global warming sets in, more movies will certainly deal with the subject.

Comic Books And The Movies

The movie industry is abuzz with comic books being adapted to the full screen. Not only is it profitable for Hollywood to produce comic book characters, but for the comic book industry too. There have been low budget movies and television series based on the more popular comic books. Usually the low budget movies do not fare well.

The blockbuster comic book movies usually use well-known actors and the difference between the low budget movies and the high-end movies are palpable.

The television industry has had a love affair with comic book heroes for generations. The old serial shorts showed a popular comic book hero. The special affects were limited with the era but it introduced the character into the mainstream.

The advent of radio-helped pave the way for the comic books to hit the ordinary folk that would never had the exposure to them.

As time advanced so did the technology and the special effects. Certain comic book super heroes needed to employ certain feats to appear to fly and see through walls. Wires were strung on the costumes, and hoisted in the air to appear to defy gravity. Boulders that were huge in size were actually made of paper. All kinds of primitive devices were used to entertain us. And entertain they did. The advances in the special effects department gave Hollywood its first glimpse into a lucrative enterprise. In 1978 the first big blockbuster came onto the scene and the movie industry was taken aback at the amount of money that was made. The comic book industry took notice to and continued with three more sequels that never matched the first one. In 1989 Batman came out and it was an instant success. Jack Nicholson portyrayed the Joker with fervent appeal and was the only actor, at the time, to receive a share of the profits.

There have been a few Batman movies and each successive one had better special effects. The comic books had finally come into majority of the households. The Hulk, the Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer, Spiderman, The Punisher, and soon to be released Iron Man.

With so man famous comic books hitting the big screen, the relationship between the movie industry and the comic book business have cemented. Obviously, it benefits both parties. The movie empire can be assured on profits, especially if word of mouth is positive. Nothing can sink a movies fortune than a negative response from people. I am not referring to the critics. Ordinary people who spend their hard earned money are more influential than the critics. It helps the comic book domain by getting more and more people exposed to their comic book heroes and villains. Thus, people who normally would not read comic books could be persuaded to buy some.

Comic books and the movies enjoy a relationship that has endured for a long time. Each successive generation will be able to watch new movies with different comic book characters. And each one will bring about changes in how the movies are made and the special effects they use.

Top Picks For Best Home Theater Movies

If you’ve invested in all the bells and whistles of a complete home theater system; the widescreen high-definition television, surround sound speakers and the latest in DVD technology, the last thing you want to do is watch movies that don’t give your system the workout it deserves. Here are some of the best DVD movies to give you the ultimate home theater experience.

Without questions, action and adventure films were made for the home theater screen as well as the “big screen”. There is nothing that gives a home theater owner a better experience than a film where the action is intricate, graphic, and frequent. Unfortunately, a lot of action films made today are seriously lacking when it comes to being worth the time to watch on home theater. There are a few gems, however.

At the top of the list is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The three movies blew audiences away in the theaters with their stunning graphics and uncompromising sound, and the experience is not lost on the special edition DVDs. Programmed with the gold standard in surround sound (Dolby) the shriek of the Nazgul will have you looking towards your ceiling in fear. No one can bring an epic adventure to the screen like Peter Jackson; and his King Kong is true to the original screenplay as well as the incredible scenery, special effects and sound quality of his Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Batman Begins is a must-have in the collection of the true home theater junkie. Presented in its original aspect ratio of 2.35:1, this enhanced-for-widescreen transfer is mighty impressive, to say the least. Colors were refined – slightly subdued and somewhat cool looking no doubt due to use of various filters. Saturation levels are never an issue. Flesh tones also looked real and spot on. Black levels were as deep as imaginable allowing shadow detail to be shown off nicely and never becoming murky or ill-defined – especially considering how dark some of the film can be. On top of the dark appearance, there’s plenty of smoke and fog throughout the film’s entirety. Sky Captain, World of Tomorrow is another highly stylized visual treat with amazing sound throughout.

Another genre that is great on the home theater system is the computer animated movie. You don’t want to make your little one’s ears bleed every time they watch A Bug’s Life, but the visual qualities of these films when viewed close up on the home theater screen is amazing in its detail and quality. A high water mark is the incredible underwater animation of Finding Nemo. Dazzling colors and realistic water tones will have you thinking you are on the Great Barrier Reef yourself.

A good rule of thumb when looking for a DVD addition that will be great for your home theater system is that if it wowed you in the theater, it will probably blow you away at home. DVD programmers are well aware that in today’s market, quality of sound is just as important (and sometimes trumps) the quality of the actual film. Many films that would never be sold for personal collections ten years ago become best sellers, simply because of the technology invested in them.

Watch Movies Online

With movie ticket prices being so high these days, it’s no wonder that more and more people would rather just watch movies online for free. The other advantages of watching movies online are not having to deal with rowdy theater goers and shelling out even more cash for overpriced refreshments. People who make the switch from theatre to home computer find themselves wondering why they didn’t start watching movies online a long time ago.

But of course, if you watch movies online there will be disadvantages as well. First of all, watching movies online can be kind of illegal. The ones that aren’t are usually really old or obscure ones that people don’t know about and don’t really want to watch. Probably one of the biggest disadvantages is the quality of the picture. Old-school pirated movies involved going into a theatre, secretly recording a movie and then posting it online, but online movies has become a lot more sophisticated since then. Sometimes you can actually find online movies in HD but you don’t have the guarantee of a clear picture that you do when you watch it in the theatre.

It’s also common to have to watch movies online in parts, this being the youtube generation and all. You might have to load a bunch of videos at once and deal with a bunch of broken links or slow loading times. This can get kind of frustrating, and then you realize that you wouldn’t go through all this trouble if you paid but no, you’re determined to watch movies online for free so you plod on through the dead links.

The authorities are pretty serious about cracking down on online movie watching. Youtube is much more active in taking down material that violates copyright, and recently a girl did jail time for recording a few minutes of the new Twilight movie accidentally. Online movies means a lot of money lost for the movie industry, like how illegal downloading loses money for the music industry. It’s unfair for people to cheat the industry by watching movies for free. From the perspective of people who watch movies online, it’s more of a Robin Hood mentality. It’s actually quite generous for people to post these movies online without charging people to watch them. And why should we have to pay such outrageous prices for the products of a greedy industry that only cares about making money anyway?

Whether watching movies online is ethical or not, the practice will continue regardless, so people who want to watch movies online should be aware of the consequences and make their decision accordingly. It’s a trade-off between free service and illegality that’s ultimately up to the viewer.

Holiday Gifts: Books, Movies and Music

One thing you can be fairly certain of is that you can always find a gift of movies, music or a book for anyone on your holiday gift lists.

Movies are sold everywhere from Blockbuster Video Rental stores to Walgreen Drug Stores. You can find movies in convenience stores and grocery stores. Many of the larger retailers, like Wal Mart, have bins of "bargain" priced movies and if you don't mind digging through them you can find some really good movies at rock bottom prices. If you aren't bothered by the words "previously viewed" you can get some current hits for $8.00 to $10.00. With a diligent search and good timing you can get some great new unopened movies off of ebay for a fraction of the cost in stores. It's also a good source for movies that are out of print.

Not sure what kinds of movies they like? Perfect time for a gift card. You can get a gift card for purchase or for rental. A really nice basket to make contains a gift card for movie rental, a box of microwave popcorn and a few candy bars.

You can also purchase some great boxed gift sets. Many of these sets, like the Lethal Weapon series, are made up of the Directors Editions which contain a lot of extra scenes that were cut from the theater versions and an extra tape with interviews, bloopers and other interesting information. Have a John Wayne or Will Smith fan on your list? There are several different boxed sets combining each of their movies or put one together yourself.

Not sure about their favorite movie, but you know they are addicted to the television show Boston Legal? A large number of the television shows release entire seasons in a set format. Does your spouse love watching Discovery Channel or The Learning Channel? You will find many of their shows and specials can be found on tape or DVD. Whether you are looking for VHS tapes or DVD's you're sure to find the perfect gift.

The same can be said for gifts of music. There are music stores where the selection is enormous and like the movies you can find CD's in just about any store you walk into. With an idea of the type of music or the favorite singers you're looking for you can put together a really nice gift without a lot of effort.

There are an amazing number of bookstores out there, ranging from the small corner bookstores to the mega chains with a café and reading areas that contain comfortable arm chairs so you can sit back with your cup of coffee and enjoy a good book. You aren't limited to hard or soft cover books. There are also books on cassette tapes and books on CD's. There are even e-books that can be downloaded onto their computer and read that way. Love stories, detective novels, horror novels, westerns, science fiction, biographies, cookbooks, instructional books, children's books. Your bookstore can be your one stop holiday gift shop.

What are Movies Now Playing

If you're like most human beings, you enjoy a good movie. At least once in a while. Virtually everyone likes to be entertained and movies now playing are always at your fingertips. That's what's so great about cyberspace. You can get the skinny any time you please regarding almost anything; including modern entertainment. So regardless if you prefer horror flicks, great dramas, romantic comedies, action films or a suspenseful thriller, you can always acquire the latest film news on what movies are play now in theaters near you.

Remember back in the day when you wanted to know all the movies now playing in local theaters? It was a bit of a hassle. First you had to get out the phonebook and look up movie theaters. Then you had to call each of them to find out which films they were currently showing and listen carefully for the times that each movie played. Naturally this process was annoying for several reasons. First of all, the line was always busy on Friday nights and second of all, if you missed what the recording said in regards to a certain time, you had to listen to the entire spiel all over again. What a hassle and utter pain in the keyster. Anyway, in this modern day of Internet and computer convenience, that whole routine is out the window. Simply pop open a search engine and key in the phrase "movies now playing" or "current new releases." Suddenly you'll be flooded with movie trailers to watch and the times each film is showing at local theaters. Now that's awesome!

Aside for knowing which movies are now playing, you'll more than likely want to view a few trailers to better understand your film options. Since you're going to fork out the cash on theater tickets and concessions, you may as well get your money's worth. Try websites such as apple trailers. This is an outstanding place to begin reviewing current films playing now in theaters. Watch the preview and see if you're even interested in viewing the film. Furthermore, take a peek at how critics rated the movie overall. This can sometimes effect your decision to watch a certain new release film.

Movies 2005 – A Recap

2005 was a year that saw new films being released and with several major sequels and remakes hitting the box office. Some of the top grossing films were actually sequels and remakes that made millions of dollars in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia. Probably the one of the series that stood out in the 2005 movies lineup was the ‘Goblet of Fire’ sequel in the ‘Harry Porter’ series. J.K Rowling once again takes her fans into Hogwarts fourth year just to discover that the school is hosting the tri-wizard tournament. Harry, played by Radcliffe, Hermione and Ron find themselves once again face to face with the dark lord Voldermort. A new twist is the emergence of the death eaters a group of evil wizards and the imminent return of the dark lord. The suspense in the movie comes with Harry fighting the dragon, saving Ron from the underwater people and going through the maze that makes some crazy. Simply suspenseful.

Some of the movies in 2005 do not take place in a far far away land or in a robot city. Rather it is a tale of two cities, from the jungle of New York City to the jungle of Madagascar. The attention to detail is amazing. The sceneries, characters and the rich colors employed in the movie Madagascar starring Ben Stiller as the Lion and Chris Rock as Marty the Zebra is noteworthy. The humor in the movie is more character-oriented as opposed to the crude irreverent jokes that populate other animations. The movie had kids and parents in stitches when it premiered and the scheming penguins offer some good laughs as well.

Of course, in my list of the top best 2005 movies, the breathtaking journey of tyranny, suffering and death in the last film in the six film series of Star Wars blows the radar off the water. The previous films by the director George Lucas have proved that Star Wars is an indestructible force and the ‘Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith’ reaffirms that position. The movie opens with a long action montage where the Jedi ships are attacking a Sith spaceship with Anakin and Obi Wan on board. The movie with the visuals is a wonder to behold with attention to detail being given to the skyline, the buildings the CGI characters and the planets in the galaxy. It is simply overwhelming. Other notable box office 2005 movies are Chronicles of Narnia, War of the Worlds, Chocolate Factory and the Wedding Crashers among others. A pretty good year for Hollywood.

Inside view - does it pay to produce adult movies in Romania ?

“Romania? Are you serious???” …well, indeed this was a repeated line that one of our representatives heard during last Venus expo.

After revealing Eastern Europe in the last 2 years, producers start to reveal step by step, the advantages Romania can offer to them.

Along with many myths involved…I will try to provide here the complete guide to the producers who seek the benefits in producing xxx in Romania.

First of all a small confession - I’m a foreigner leaving in Romania…it took me some time to get used to the mentality and understand how to handle the locals.

Sure there are beautiful girls all over and the night life is really something…but we are here to do business!

First of all a small confession - I’m a foreigner leaving in Romania…it took me some time to get used to the mentality and understand how to handle the locals.

Sure there are beautiful girls all over and the night life is really something…but we are here to do business!

Romania is in huge growth. Inventors are here and there is a continuance feeling of a “buzz” in the air. The adult industry how ever- is already here!

So here we go for the first benefit-

Lesson # 1 - When the girls are beautiful and they need the money…

They are very young and beautiful; full of enthusiasm and they put a great deal of effort into their work.

Also, being at the beginning of their career, they will not ask for huge and ridiculous sums of money, like well known celebrities do.

The Romanian girls are already famous all over the world for their natural beauty, an easy to spot advantage when it comes to the show biz.

The spiciest thing is the fact that when they decide to embrace a porn career, they are more than open minded, and ready to be as nonconformist as possible.

Usually they are also available for all kind of acts.

Lesson # 2 – The land of MILF

The era of dead communism left many woman at their 40’s to become very open minded.

What they couldn't’t do in their 20’s they are willing to do big time now…and the money also encourage them a lot.

Lesson # 3 – Money talks

Although Romania has joined the European Union and become more expensive more than you can even imagine…-From the pricing point of view this is one of the leading benefits that it can offer.

Shooting an adult scene can costs 50% less than in USA.

Don’t you think that it is easy to locate serious people- think again! But you can definitely find good and highly potential actresses in a very reasonable price per scene.

Gio Media brings a huge change in here by locating for you the right actresses, at the same price as the local but at the quality of a western services…

Lesson #4 - A far more friendly market

There won’t be too much paper work, and for sure, shooting in there, will not repeat the history from Prague, from the Erotica sex 2005 fair, when the public opinion and the police were questioning the legitimacy of organizing such an event.

Also, the media is helping a lot. Most magazines have already learned from their western colleagues that sex and erotic picture definitely sell big. And this contributed to the constant promotion of sexy models and of the sexy attitude. The main conclusion drawn from the facts presented above is that the adult industry here is far from having serious obstacles.

Lesson # 5 - The set and the surrounding

Hollywood had already chosen Romania for box office movies like Cold Mountain; and the UK market has established that Romania is a great place in order to shoot videos. The benefits came from the variety of available sights - amazing neuters, ski resorts, lakes and also the views of a modern city.

In Bucharest there is a huge collocation of amazing villas which can be excellent locations.

For the porn industry, this could be a hit, as the set and the surroundings will be different, and the static shooting effect will be replaced by the dynamic action.

After this long lecture…I believe you got the idea. Not everything is pink and glamor in here but definitely it’s growing and going on the right way.

At the end of the day what counts is the quality of your movie and sticking to the budget.

In the Next article: How to choose an agency for your movie?

** The writer of the article is the PR manager of Gio Media

For more details about shooting in Romania contact us

2006 Movies: Remembering the Year in Movies

2006 brought us some great independent films as well as some big time Hollywood productions. The following list is in no particular order and is made to highlight some favorite 2006 movies that are worth checking out.

“Volver” directed by Pedro Amodovar and starring Penelope Cruz was certainly by anyone’s standards a terrific movie full of pathos and great acting throughout. It tells the story of a woman who kills her boyfriend to protect her teenaged daughter and then must hide the body while at the same time haunted by the ghost of her dead mother. Original and involving.

“The Illusionist” with Edward Norton starring as an ill-fated magician is one of the most intriguing of the crop of 2006 movies and just one of several about magicians. The story is great but it is the dark and scary mood that will hold your attention.

“Babel” by Alejandro Gonzales Iñárritu and starring Brad Pitt is really engaging and wildly original. Four separate stories blend seamlessly to show what happens during a massive communications breakdown. Tragic and unexpected are words to describe this one of the best 2006 movies.

“Apocalypto” directed by Mel Gibson was not only one of my favorite 2006 movies but also ranks as one of the best adventure films of all time. Starring a bunch of rookies and no-names, this movie shows a period of history that has long been overlooked and never truly depicted faithfully until now. Great flick, go get it!

“The Descent” is a about a group of female cave climbers that get lost deep underground and come upon another world inhabited by freaky albino mutants. Creepy and freaky scary. You will love this one.

“Borat” by Sacha Baron Cohen is quite possibly the most hilarious movie ever made and ranks easily as one of the best of 2006 movies. The title character is a journalist from eastern Europe who comes to the U.S. and sends up and offends just about every institution, race, creed and sex you can imagine.

“Casino Royale” with David Craig as “Bond, James Bond”, became an instant blockbuster and re-vitalized the aging franchise for a whole new generation of 007 buffs. This picture has tremendous stunts and a great plot that will keep you guessing until the very end. Eva Green is alluring and seductive as Bond’s love interest. This is definitely one of the best ever of the James Bond films and stands right up there with the Sean Connery vehicles.

You can see from the short list here that 2006 gave us some much needed entertainment in the form of cool movies. See you at the snack bar!

How Go Get Full Downloadable Movies

I suppose the debate will go on forever as to whether these types of websites are in fact legal as there are indeed many free ones out there that are not legal. Apart from free movie websites there are also pay per download services which have started to gain huge popularity in that they allow you to download your favourite movies and TV shows in exchange for a once off membership fee. These websites offer quality downloads which contain no infections and are usually available for download at very high speeds. On the contrary you will find that most of the free websites you will visit will have low quality downloads which could end up infecting your PC with a virus.

Are you looking for free full length movies? With the internet growing larger each day more people are turning to websites which offer free full length movies for download as the cheaper alternative to expanding their DVD collections. The reason why is mostly convenience in which most people have high speed internet connections as well as cost reduction in terms of not having to buy the DVD from the store. I did some keyword research lately and was surprised to see that the phrases “free full length movies” and “free movie downloads” are achieving more than 10 000 queries a day which indicates the popularity of movie download websites.

Net Moviedownloads is the top rated movie pay per download service which offers the lowest membership fee of $32 for unlimited access to their database. If you would like to check out their features please visit the website below.So how do you know which pay per download services are the best? It is important to check out testimonials, reviews, membership prices and features before you make a final decision. Most of these services will allow you to download legal PC games and mp3’s as well which is an added bonus.